Growing Poinsettia After The Holidays
I’ve tried growing poinsettia after the holidays for years now, and it’s one of the toughest things for me to do. Now don’t get me wrong — I know it’s possible to keep poinsettia plants alive after Christmas. My father-in-law is pretty good at doing this. A good friend of mine kept some alive for…
How Long Do Potted Mums Last?
My wife and I love buying potted mums each autumn! These beautiful plants, also known as chrysanthemums, help give our Central Florida home a feel of fall, even when temperatures are sometimes still hovering in the 80s. I’ll tell you though, we haven’t had much long-term luck with potted seasonal houseplants. Let’s take poinsettias for…
Are Cheap Clearance Plants At The Garden Center Worth It?
My wife came home from work the other day with a couple of cheap clearance plants. She bought them from the local home-improvement store. When she walked by my workspace, she said something to the effect of, “Here, see if you can bring these back.” And then she plopped the two poor little plants, barely…
Money Tree Plants: Tips On Growing & Caring For Them
I love money tree plants. They’re a tropical plant with roots as a swampland tree from Central and South America. These wonderful houseplants are widely sold at grocery stores, home-improvement warehouses, and elsewhere as the “money tree” or “money plant.” Horticulturally known by the Latin name Pachira aquatica, the money tree is said to have…